Don Pettit Space Chronicles
NASA ScienceDuring his months aboard the International Space Station, Expedition Six NASA ISS Science Officer Don Pettit wrote about the many unique aspects of living and working in space. His Space Chronicles covered everything from spacewalk preparations to his Saturday Morning Science experiments. He also wrote in great detail about what it was like to view the universe around him, as well as the Earth below. Pettit’s Space Chronicles are listed below.

1.Observing the Atmosphere
2.Rotating Spheres of Water
3.Noctilucent Cloud Observations in the Southern Hemisphere
4.The Smell of Space
5.Water Observations
6.Moving in Space
7.Land Ho!
8.Studying Water Films
9.Natural Sights
10.Living in Weightlessness
11.The Roots of Exploration
13.Growing Plants in Zero-G
14.Space Walk Prep
15.The Invisible Spoon of Marangoni
16.Light and the Production of Food
17.Symphony of Spheres
18.Caldrons Bubble
19.Homeward Bound